Selecting a photographer can be quite a challenge. Especially with so many high end cameras out there and some very talented photographers. The most important thing you can do those is HIRE A HEADSHOT PHOTOGRAPHER. This seems like a simple rule, but it is often overlooked. An experienced headshot photographer knows both the photography aspect of the business, but also the industry side of it, too. It doesn’t matter how good you look in the final image. YOU WANT A HEADSHOT THAT IS GOING TO GET YOU WORK. A standard portrait photographer can get you a nice image. This is great for hanging on the wall, sending to relatives, or posting of facebook. A headshot photographer will get you a headshot that engages the casting director, follows the industry standards, and will help get you cast. Hiring a headshot photographer is worth it.
If a headshot photographer isn’t available in your area, then another professional photographer would be an OK second choice. They’ll be able to create a technically strong image that will give you a polished look. If you can’t find a professional photographer, look harder. Having a friend take your photo or doing the a self shot are bad ideas. Present yourself with professionalism and quality. Saving a few bucks by doing it yourself is a bad idea. Investing it quality headshots as a marketing tool is a smarter idea.
If you’re having trouble finding a headshot photographer in your area, just ask your agent. They probably have a list of approved photographers.
I specialize in headshot photography. This means I don’t do family portraits, seniors, weddings, or commercial work. I do headshots. I know the industry standards. I know the talent agents, directors, and production companies. I stay up to date with the latest trends, timelines, and styles. I have dedicated my photography business towards making the best actor headshots possible. I truly care about getting you work and making your headshots pay off.